Beiträge von medicrtcw

    Hallo zusammen,

    wie zuverlässig ist das Parkassistentsystem?

    1) Hält das Auto automatisch an, wenn andere Autos von links oder rechts kommen? Und setzt es den Parkvorgang dann automatisch fort?

    2) Während des Vorgangs schon einmal gegen etwas gestoßen?

    3) Oder ist Ihnen irgendein unerwartetes Ereignis passiert?

    Danek im voraus!

    (hab translator benutzt denn mein deutsch existiert praktisch nicht :( )

    Hi sorry english here :D

    We are very reluctant to try the Park Assistent with our Premium #1 in rather busier surrounding, I have few questions for those being utilizing it extensively:

    1) Does it full stop and resume if the sensor detacts objects being too close or moving toward you, such as cars, pedastrians etc.

    2) Does it get better now with 1.4 update?

    3) Has anyone exprienced the incident that it hit other cars in process of parking?

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi thanks for your answer,

    not related to the topic:

    Is there a way to quick switch form Android Auto to Apple carplay? for example, I have connected my Android Auto now and currently I have to manually go to setting and connect the phone of the Iphone and again to clikc on the Carplay.

    Is there a way to make it a bit simpler the process?

    Hi all,

    Reently we just got our #1 Premium and I have some questions and sorry my German is not good :D

    1) How does Spurwechselassistent work? I have ticked the box and the lane shows green, but when i put on blinker nothing happens, it just keeps blinking and the steering wheel is very firm, anyone has any ideas?

    2) Is it a way to import my destination (Ziel) directly from the Mobile App

    Many thanks!