Beiträge von chriscat


    6. Vergess de hessische Handkäs mit Mussig, de Äbbelwoi und die Grie Soß ned :D

    Sorry chriscat we are just kidding ;)

    How come Google translator can’t help? 😂

    I went to Germany in March to try a Smart #1 when it was not yet available in France and UK.

    Welcome was so great I’m now converted to German Beers and have 3 smart#1 🍺

    I’m a Frenchman living in UK most of the time. I have 3 smart #1 on my app.

    1. French Premium

    2. French Pro+ (my mother, but I recorded it on my account as owner)

    3. British Premium

    Happy to beta test in this complicated environment and to contribute to translations if you are interested.

    My spouse is a professionnel iOS/swift developer and I’m a DevOps Engineer.

    Really good looking screenshots so far!