I can now also help test the Hello # app with ABRP support. 
I have noticed that the charging power displayed in ABRP differs from that in the Hello # app and the Hello Smart app.
For example, 10.36kW charging power is displayed in the Hello # app (and this is the realistic value), while only 8.6kW charging power is displayed in ABRP.
Hello #.png Hello Smart.pngABRP.png
What could be the reason for this? Are the correct values not yet being transmitted to ABRP?
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I tried to fix this. but it seems the info shown in ABRP is an estimation of theirs.
we were not sending the charging power yet. We kept it for later. So any number shown was from them.
When we actually started sending the real power, it still ignored it to show the wrong number.
I keep trying a few things. But I will be mostly fast charging in DC in the coming days due to a road trip, and in DC charging we only have Amps
I'll try again when we are back
Update: a last try before sleep seems to be working. if it's confirmed, I'll push that to TestFlight and it will be in next update 1.2.0