Wann wird es eigentlich möglich sein, die livedaten der #Hello App an ABRP zu synchronisieren, ohne dass die App im Vordergrund laufen muss? Gibt es da schon eine Roadmap. Pump hat es ja implementiert, wäre natürlich toll wenn da ABRP auch nachziehen würde, direkt mit dem Smart Account zu verknüpfen. Bis dahin nutzen ich halt den Workaround der Hello # App.
I was contacted by pump to share information about the API we use in Hello #. It’s really different from ABRP
Pump makes the call for you directly to Smart. They need your password.
ABRP is more conventional: they provide a token and you are in charge to send data to ABRP.
I use ODB2 and hello # and I was nicely surprised to see all the benefits of hello #. For example ABRP knew where my car was parked in Edinburgh while I was planning my next day from a totally different place of the city.
We will add the support of background updates sent to ABRP. But we are ourselves on a road trip without laptop for 2 weeks. Enjoying our smart #1 on the Scottish roads we’ll work on that again in July