Hello # – Wir sind im App Store gestartet (Hinweis: teilweise in englischer Sprache).

  • Hi,

    Seit gestern werde ich ständig ausgeloggt, Grund, Haupttoken abgelaufen, melde mich neu an, kurze Zeit später fliege ich wieder raus , lässt sich beliebig oft wiederholen. Hat von Euch auch jemand diese Problem?


    1.2.0 is adding “remember me” button on login page if you want to store the password in the keychain of your iPhone. It will re-log for you without showing

    TestFlight finished last week. We will release it this week on the App Store

    We started 1.3.0 tests this week in TestFlight to show kW instead of Amps for fast DC charging



  • Hi,

    Thanks for the feedback. I was aware of it, however, previously I was logged out once in a while which is not a big issues but since yesterday I'm logged out constantly, sometimes even if the app is running and each time when I close the app and start it again, it would logg out, this is why I have asked whether this is a new issue and whether other users are also impacted.


    smart #3 BRABUS Digital White Metallic / Eclipse Black

    smart OS Version: 1.3.2 EU (seit 05.03.2024)

    bestellt am 27.12.2023

    ausgeliefert am 29.01.2024

    Händler: Merbag GmbH Wien Donaustadt

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the feedback. I was aware of it, however, previously I was logged out once in a while which is not a big issues but since yesterday I'm logged out constantly, sometimes even if the app is running and each time when I close the app and start it again, it would logg out, this is why I have asked whether this is a new issue and whether other users are also impacted.


    Ah sorry. I can't tell you for me because I checked the box "remember me". So I don't notice when I'm disconnected anymore.

    is it with the version for the App Store? or the version from TestFlight?

    We had a few times like you over the last 6 months. We could never explain why.

    The same actions another day will not disconnect us.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the feedback. I was aware of it, however, previously I was logged out once in a while which is not a big issues but since yesterday I'm logged out constantly, sometimes even if the app is running and each time when I close the app and start it again, it would logg out, this is why I have asked whether this is a new issue and whether other users are also impacted.



    second time today that I get this error. It could be related. If they are doing some maintenance on their server

  • no worries, I did not specify it seems ;) I'm referring to the version from the App Store. It's not a big issue, you might be right, maybe there is some relation to the error you receive today and they are doing something on their end. Let's wait and see.

    Thanks a lot for your efforts and your speedy feedback.


    smart #3 BRABUS Digital White Metallic / Eclipse Black

    smart OS Version: 1.3.2 EU (seit 05.03.2024)

    bestellt am 27.12.2023

    ausgeliefert am 29.01.2024

    Händler: Merbag GmbH Wien Donaustadt

  • Hat jemand jemand von Euch auch dieses Problem?

    Ich war zuletzt gestern mit der App online, habe diese danach beendet und soeben die App gestartet -> ich war nicht ausgelogged.

    Allerdings habe ich die Zugangsdaten über die App auch auf dem iPhone gespeichert.

    #1 Premium in Laser Red - Eclipse Black, Smart OS v1.3.2 / / Hello Smart App 1.4.14 / Hello # App 1.0 (44)

    Navi-SW Navi-DB N.J.A2. Hidden Features des Smart #1 - klick / Smart #1 FAQ-Thread -> klick

  • Ich war zuletzt gestern mit der App online, habe diese danach beendet und soeben die App gestartet -> ich war nicht ausgelogged.

    Allerdings habe ich die Zugangsdaten über die App auch auf dem iPhone gespeichert.

    sehr gut, wie gesagt, bei mir war bis gestern Abend alles ok, dann war ich ausgeloggt und seitdem muss ich mich jedes mal neu einloggen, Zugangsdaten sind ebenfalls am iPhone gespeichert... mal sehen, entweder Einzelfall oder es kommt dann nach und nach auf uns alle zu :D

    smart #3 BRABUS Digital White Metallic / Eclipse Black

    smart OS Version: 1.3.2 EU (seit 05.03.2024)

    bestellt am 27.12.2023

    ausgeliefert am 29.01.2024

    Händler: Merbag GmbH Wien Donaustadt

  • Hi, ist bei mir auch so. Nach beenden der APP direkt ausgeloggt. Zugangsdaten sind im Schlüsselbund.

    Hi, it's the same for me. Logged out directly after closing the app. Access data is in the keychain.

    What do you mean access data in the keychain?

    Do you mean you have the TestFlight version, checked “remember me” et you are still disconnected?

    The remember me button is not yet on the App Store